For many students, indirect cost will impact their quality of living while residing on campus and may even be a major determining factors for students deciding not to attend school away from home. Your contributions will help cover basic needs, and provides academic materials so that students are academically successful.
$35 will fund a care package as encouragement at midterms/finals
$50 will provide essential items such as laundry detergent, cleaning supplies, personal hygiene items etc.
$50 SAT/ACT Registration
$150 will provide bedding and dorm room essentials.
$200 for Professional attire needed for students to attend career fairs, internships or job interviews.
$250 towards Storage of Property during summer for those who reside in dorms
$500 will provide needed technology such as a laptop, tablet or printer.
$500 towards airline fares to and from college.
$1000 can provide books and supplies for the academic year
$2500+ will help to resolve outstanding balance not covered by financial aid and is preventing students from enrolling.
The following sponsor opportunity costs varies depending on institutional costs. Provided is an estimated general amount.
$65 towards College Admissions Application Fees
$150 towards New Student Orientation Fees.
$250 towards Dorm Deposit Fees